If you were lucky enough to grow up with a fire pit in your backyard, then you know the countless memories and cherished moments that can take place under the starry night sky. Cozy family gatherings, roasted marshmallows that oozed out of the graham cracker upon first bite, and the laughter that filled the air as stories were shared around the crackling flames… It just brings you back, doesn’t it?

So, when it comes time for you to replicate those experiences with your family and friends around your own fire pit, give Legendary Chimney Service a call at 386-999-1329. Our expert tips, safety advice, and creative ideas will help you make the most out of your outdoor oasis, ensuring that the magic of those unforgettable nights lives on in your own backyard. You can also reach out to us online!

Which Is Better: A Wood or Gas Fire Pit?

When it comes to fire pits, everybody has different preferences. That’s why it’s hard to give one straightforward answer as to which fuel type is a better option for you. However, there are several key factors to consider when deciding, including your desired ambiance, potential maintenance commitments, local regulations, available space, and budget constraints.

Let’s evaluate these factors to help you make an informed decision on which is better for you based on your unique needs and preferences.

🔥 Wood-Burning Fire Pit

square fire pit surrounded by chairs on a patioMost people prefer the authentic campfire experience of a wood-burning fire pit. The smell of burning wood that lingers on your clothing hours after you’ve gone inside, the mesmerizing dance of the flames, and the soothing sound of wood crackling can’t be replicated. 

In addition, people might prefer a wood-burning fire pit because it’s more affordable compared to using gas as a fuel source. Yet, although wood might be cheaper upfront, it does require ongoing expenses and effort for sourcing, storing, and transporting firewood, which can add up over time. Additionally, the regular cleaning of the leftover ash and debris in the fire pit can also be a time consuming task. For those who value convenience and a cleaner, more hassle-free experience, a gas fire pit might be a more viable option. 

🔥 Gas Fire Pit

While it can’t be argued that there’s nothing out there that beats the authentic look, smell, and crackling of a wood burning fire pit, it’s worth pointing out that a gas fire pit still has its merits. Gas fire pits offer the advantage of convenience, clean burning, precise control of the flames, and easy ignition – making them a popular choice for those seeking simplicity, safety, and a more modern approach to outdoor fires.

But hooking up a gas fire pit may include the costs of running a new gas line, and continually using gas or propane, which is more expensive than firewood in many cases. Only you can determine which option is better for you.

What Safety Precautions Should I Take With a Fire Pit?

Whether you choose a wood-burning fire pit or a gas fire pit, the same rules regarding safety and responsible use apply. Prioritizing safety and adhering to best practices will help you create a secure and enjoyable outdoor environment for all. Here are a few tips to keep in mind:

  1. Location: Always choose a safe location for your fire pit that is at least 10-20 feet away from any structures, trees, and flammable materials like dry grass and leaves. You also want to maintain a clear, safe zone around the fire at all times. 
  2. Check Local Regulation: Depending on where you live, there might be local regulations you have to follow regarding fire pits, including permits, size restrictions, and burn bans. Staying informed about these things help contribute to the safety and well-being of your community.
  3. a close up view of the flames of a fire pitUse a Spark Arrestor: If your wood-burning fire pit didn’t include a spark arrestor, it might be a good idea to consider adding one to your fire pit set up. Preventing sparks and embers from escaping the fire pit reduces the risk of accidental fires, especially in areas where the fire pit is close to flammable materials or natural habitats.
  4. Keep Fire Extinguisher or Water Source Nearby: Accidents happen! So, make sure you have a fire extinguisher, hose, or bucket of water within easy reach to quickly address any unexpected flare-ups or emergencies.
  5. Supervise the Fire: This should go without saying, but never leave a fire pit unattended, especially if there are children or pets nearby. And when you’re done, be sure to extinguish the fire completely. 
  6. Don’t Use Accelerants: We’ve all been there – begging the fire to start, adding piece after piece of kindling, and blowing on the little flame until we feel like we are about to pass out. Stubborn fires are the worst, and it can be tempting to want to use something like gasoline or a fire starter for a quick boost. However, accelerants can lead to dangerous flare-ups and unpredictable fires. It’s best to just be patient.

Don’t Forget to Maintain Your Fire Pit With Help From Legendary Chimney Solutions

Investing in a fire pit can transform your outdoor space into a cozy haven for relaxation and social gatherings. But to help keep the flames burning brightly and safely, you need the help of knowledgeable professionals who specialize in fire pit maintenance and solutions.

Give Legendary Chimney Solutions a call at 386-999-1329 or schedule an appointment online. Our expertise will ensure that your fire pit remains a reliable source of warmth and enjoyment, making your outdoor gatherings truly memorable.